Autumn Storm Witchling Series Book 2 eBook Lizzy Ford

Autumn Storm Witchling Series Book 2 eBook Lizzy Ford
I was worried that this story was going to be a repeat of the first one given that Summer was turned into Autumn. A little bit of it was, which you'd have to expect, but it wasn't a repeat of everything. The story is good. Overall, there are elemental magick users in the modern world that practice either dark or light laws. There's a struggle for balance, and balance between these two forces must be kept or evil very well could take over the world. Due tot he ordeal of what happened to Summer over the summer, Decker is battling more than just the call to let the Darkness overtake him. Autumn, who is Summer, is drawn to the troubled and dark Decker, and also has to keep her own head above water while she completes her second trial out of the darkness herself.It really is a good story.
Here's what kept it from getting 4 stars: Inconsistencies with titles from first book to second book. In the first book, Decker's title was Master of the Fire and Night, whereas it was Master of the Dark in Autumn Storm. Things happen in the final scene where someone, who isn't even introduced says something, and then is gone and there isn't any other reference to him. I.G. "It was just Autumn, Alexa, and Dawn in the clearing. Dawn asks Alexa 'Where should we go?' 'Depends on what direction you want to go,' says the guy." <-- that is exactly how it is. Who is that person? Where did they come from? Why were they there? Where did they go? Those questions are never answered. There are a lot of sentences that aren't finished, or different names are used when someone else's should have been. And then what made it hard to read is there is a character who speaks telepathically and there are no quotation marks for him. What does Lizzy Ford have against italics? They're a wonderful tool to stress telepathic messages or thought. Once more, it felt like you were reading a first draft of a story.
This is what tends to make me mad as a reader. I read a book nearly every day. I expect certain things from every book just like someone would expect from any other item that they purchased. I want consistencies, editing, and the best form of the story you can put out. That is not too much to ask from any author. I suppose it really irritated me this time around because I enjoyed the story, yet the execution of it left me feeling ripped off.

Tags : Autumn Storm (Witchling Series Book 2) - Kindle edition by Lizzy Ford. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Autumn Storm (Witchling Series Book 2).,ebook,Lizzy Ford,Autumn Storm (Witchling Series Book 2),Captured Press,Juvenile Fiction Love & Romance,Juvenile Fiction Fantasy & Magic
Autumn Storm Witchling Series Book 2 eBook Lizzy Ford Reviews
Um wow!. My heart is still beating so fast right now. That ending! Omg.. Lizzy ford you rock my world. I loved Decker before but now! I loooove him so much more. He's all dark and brooding but he's got love and compassion there that is waiting to come out. Autumn brings that out in him if even just for a second. Even Beck is falling for Autumn again and he knows who she truly is. And Dawn.. Uh! What a huge B. She is nothing but evil and cares for no one but herself. Not even her baby. All she wants is money and she will do anything to anyone who stands in her way of what she wants.
Beck is trying to be a good Master of Light and protect the light witchlings. He doesn't have anyone to show him the way and he's loosing the battle. He's trying hard to keep Autumn away from his brother Decker but their connection for each other is strong. Stronger than he thought and its only a matter of time before Autumn goes to Decker. Beck can't let him hurt her like Summer. He'll fight to the death if he has to.
Even though Autumn doesn't know who she is she can feel she belongs to Decker. She has since the first time they met. She knows him but every time she starts to remember something it's gone in an instant and a terrible migraine is there to replace it. Autumn is a fighter too but in a different way. She's fought the pain her body goes through ever since her accident. She came through when no one believed she would. A second chance at life and she was not going to let anything stand in her way.
Decker is loosing his battle with the darkness and he welcomes it. He wants it to take him away to save those he loves and to not have to feel the pain he feels from loosing his mate Summer. He feels something for the first time after Summer and its because of Autumn. She calms him in a way that Summer did. He doesn't feel he deserves a second chance. He's the opposite of Autumn. He wants to lie back and let the darkness consume him
Autumn, Beck, Decker. Three strong beings destined to save the world of the witchlings but will they win this battle or kill each other to save themselves. Oh my Wow! This second book was even more exciting than the first and I can't wait to see how this all turns out.
This is book 2 in The Witchling series. These books should be read in order to get the full scope of the story. The first book in the series left you with a major cliffhanger and I was so happy to have book 2. I picked it up as soon as I finished the first one.
This book revolves around Autumn, a new student to the boarding school for Witchlings. When she arrives certain things feel familiar including people but she isn't sure why. She has never been there before, but yet she feels as if she has. There is also a strange girl that seems to follow her around, but she is a ghost. A ghost that leads her down paths and shows her things that make her remember.
Autumn is drawn to both of the twins, Decker, The Master of Fire and Night and Beck, The Master of Light. Each boy evokes a different feeling within her. She knows Decker is dangerous but also feels that he would never harm her. Beck soothes her pain and she feels comforted with him. Autumn is about to go through her trial and the decision she makes will not only affect her but the ones who care for her most as well.
I'm not giving any spoilers in this review. You'll need to read books one and two and I highly suggest that you do. I devoured this book just as I did the first. There isn't enough I can say about Decker. I love him. Lizzy does a great job of drawing you in and making you feel the emotions of her characters.
I was worried that this story was going to be a repeat of the first one given that Summer was turned into Autumn. A little bit of it was, which you'd have to expect, but it wasn't a repeat of everything. The story is good. Overall, there are elemental magick users in the modern world that practice either dark or light laws. There's a struggle for balance, and balance between these two forces must be kept or evil very well could take over the world. Due tot he ordeal of what happened to Summer over the summer, Decker is battling more than just the call to let the Darkness overtake him. Autumn, who is Summer, is drawn to the troubled and dark Decker, and also has to keep her own head above water while she completes her second trial out of the darkness herself.
It really is a good story.
Here's what kept it from getting 4 stars Inconsistencies with titles from first book to second book. In the first book, Decker's title was Master of the Fire and Night, whereas it was Master of the Dark in Autumn Storm. Things happen in the final scene where someone, who isn't even introduced says something, and then is gone and there isn't any other reference to him. I.G. "It was just Autumn, Alexa, and Dawn in the clearing. Dawn asks Alexa 'Where should we go?' 'Depends on what direction you want to go,' says the guy." <-- that is exactly how it is. Who is that person? Where did they come from? Why were they there? Where did they go? Those questions are never answered. There are a lot of sentences that aren't finished, or different names are used when someone else's should have been. And then what made it hard to read is there is a character who speaks telepathically and there are no quotation marks for him. What does Lizzy Ford have against italics? They're a wonderful tool to stress telepathic messages or thought. Once more, it felt like you were reading a first draft of a story.
This is what tends to make me mad as a reader. I read a book nearly every day. I expect certain things from every book just like someone would expect from any other item that they purchased. I want consistencies, editing, and the best form of the story you can put out. That is not too much to ask from any author. I suppose it really irritated me this time around because I enjoyed the story, yet the execution of it left me feeling ripped off.

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