Rise Eve Anna Carey Books

Rise Eve Anna Carey Books
This was a great ending to a great series. It was interesting, sad and joyful all wrapped up. I look forward to future books from Anna Carey!
Tags : Amazon.com: Rise (Eve) (9780062048578): Anna Carey: Books,Anna Carey,Rise (Eve),HarperCollins,0062048570,Dystopian,Romance - General,Social Themes - General,Insurgency,Insurgency;Fiction.,JUVENILE FICTION Fantasy & Magic,JUVENILE FICTION Love & Romance,JUVENILE FICTION Social Issues Adolescence,Kings, queens, rulers, etc,Kings, queens, rulers, etc.;Fiction.,Love,Princesses,Princesses;Fiction.,Science fiction,Action & Adventure - General,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fiction,Fiction-Science Fiction,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Kings, queens, rulers, etc.,Love & Romance,Monograph Series, any,Science Fiction Fantasy (Young Adult),Science fiction (Children's Teenage),Social Themes - General,TEEN'S FICTION ROMANCE,TEEN'S FICTION SCIENCE FICTION,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Dystopian,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes General (see also headings under Family),Young Adult FictionRomance - General,Young Adult FictionSocial Themes - General (see also headings under Family),Action & Adventure - General,Love & Romance,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Dystopian,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes General (see also headings under Family),Young Adult FictionRomance - General,Young Adult FictionSocial Themes - General (see also headings under Family),Fiction,Kings, queens, rulers, etc.,Science Fiction Fantasy (Young Adult),YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Science fiction (Children's Teenage)
Rise Eve Anna Carey Books Reviews
I waited to read this for a long time because of some of the poor reviews it has received. But I found it bargain priced and decided to give it a try. Big mistake.
Eve is orphaned at age 5 and taken to the "school" where she's taught literature and painting and other skills. She's told that she will then learn a craft and eventually go to live in the city. She follows all the rules and never questions anything. (we get all this information in the first 3 pages of the book). then she sees Arden who tells her it's all lies and the building across the way (that they're forbidden to go to) where they're supposed to learn their skills is actually a baby factory. Arden then runs away.
By page 10 Eve has broken the rules to slip out and check out the building (never mind the fact that she's never broken a rule before, has no reason to doubt what she's been told and believes Arden to be a big liar). She discovers that, in fact, Arden was right and women are strapped pregnant to beds. She returns to school and HAPPENS to run into a teacher who helps her escape (by page like 20).
And it goes on like this. Everything happens MUCH too quickly and too unbelievably. Yes, Eve's future would be terrible, but there's no build up, no explanation, no characters set up that quickly in the story to make her escape believable. And I don't know Eve at this point and don't really care about her.
Now, Eve has never seen a man. She's told that they're evil and awful and scary. Yet when she meets Caleb she says she's afraid but still goes with him. By page 100 or so she's "in love" with him, despite the fact that they know nothing about each other. It's insta love at its worst AND it's completely unbelievable for a character who is "terrified" of men.
Also, what I don't understand is why the King would waste so much time and resources educating the orphan girls for them to become breeders. There's a throw away line in the book saying the king believed if the girls got educations they wouldn't mind their futures. That makes zero sense. Why wouldn't the king try to teach the women about the joys of having children/helping the kingdom? The Nazis did it in Germany during WWII, so it DOES work. Brain washing children to want to have children for the kingdom would make more sense than educating them on how to paint.
Overall this book is too fast and there's no character development. It's a fast read but isn't very good. I think I'm done with this series.
I kind of went into this with higher expectations than I should have. This story had so much potential to become something really awesome, but I just...I don't even...
One of the hardest things to deal with when reading a novel is a main character who makes you want to gouge out your eyes with a rusty spoon scream. From the outset, Eve came off as this know-it-all who thought she had a bright future ahead of her in the City of Sand. Her demeanor made her seem like she was better than everyone else, and I couldn't help but laugh when she was out there all by herself, crying about how she was alone. I understand some of her naivete with men and everything, but the fact that she didn't even know how to start a fire was sad.
The action in this book was pretty tame in comparison to the majority of books I've read in the past couple years. I actually skimmed most of this book out of lack of interest in Eve's crying episodes (which happened quite a lot) and in her weird love triangle with Leif and Caleb.
Speaking of Caleb, he sounded like quite the attractive guy, but something about Eve just made me think Caleb was mentally incapacitated. Why would he "love" some girl he's barely known for a few weeks, risk his life for her, when she's completely incapable of pretty much everything? Caleb, sweetie, you'd be better off with Bella Swan.
And the ending ...Dear Lord, why? They finally reached Califia after several pointless chapters of Eve freaking out, getting shot at, and people dying left and right, and Eve just leaves Caleb outside the camp?! What?! He's wounded and bleeding profusely from his thigh, and yet simply because it's an all-girls refugee camp she thinks 'I love you, but you have to go die in a ditch somewhere because you're a boy.' I'd have told those Califia beeyotches what was what and forced my way in there. Didn't she still have that gun from the soldier guy? Why not tell them to treat his wound and theeeen send him away? I just...I don't...What?!
Unfortunately, I have been discouraged from continuing with this series. It had so much potential with the King of the New America and the Plague and everything, but those were really just the backdrop to a whiny monologue. This book just didn't do it for me. I couldn't get past how much I disliked the main character. Oh, well.
I loved both "Eve" and "Once." My main issue with "Rise" was that I thought the ending was much too abrupt, and overall very poor. Then, from reading Anna Carey's FAQs, I learned she included an epilogue in print formats of the book, but purposefully removed it from the electronic versions. I am incredibly disappointed with her immaturity and selfishness. Thank you Anna Carey, for punishing your fans who paid for the editions of your books. Even though we have supported your writing buy purchasing and reading the entire trilogy, apparently that isn't good enough for you because we didn't purchase a hard copy.
My opinion of Anna Carey is permanently tarnished. I won't be reading anything else by her.
For those who want to read the epilogue, I was able to find it online (against Ms. Carey's wishes) here
This was a great ending to a great series. It was interesting, sad and joyful all wrapped up. I look forward to future books from Anna Carey!

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