Baby Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 3 edition by Glenna Maynard Romance eBooks

Baby Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 3 edition by Glenna Maynard Romance eBooks
Baby (Black Rebel Riders’ MC #3)By: Glenna Maynard
4/5 stars
Baby is the daughter of Grim, the new president of the Black Rebel Riders and Gypsy Red, who was murdered the night that she was born. Baby was raised by Slim & Foxie and doesn’t really like her own dad very much, more so after he rescued and took custody of her older sister, Rumor. She continually acts out and makes Rumor miserable on purpose. A lot of this is due to the fact that she has been abandoned by her dad for most of her life and when she did get him, she only had him for a month or so before he married Sunshine, and brought her sister home to live with them. And to top that off, she had grown up believing that she would be with Rebel as his top bitch and he would be president of the club, mainly because that is the way that Foxie (Rebel’s mom) raised her to be; but Rebel finds that he has much deeper feelings for Rumor and that he never loved Baby, the way that she thought she loved him.
Baby and Rebel still have interactions and they both play each other, neither one is innocent. Rumor still has feelings for Rebel, but tries to ignore them and move forward, even though her past nightmares still haunt her, and Rebel is the only person she felt comfortable and safe with. But at the same time, Rumor is bound and determined to leave the club life behind her and cut all ties, but Rebel doesn’t know if he can do that since he was born into the life, it’s in his blood and it has always been the only future that he has ever seen.
Baby does some deplorable things and even though I can see where her hurt came from, she had no business doing what she did. You’ll know it when you read it, but it isn’t until later that she can finally see the light, after she previously excused her actions. Baby also seemingly falls in and out of love easily, believing that she has never felt this certain spark before and stating that she noticed how a friend always looked at her as more, but she didn’t see it or didn’t want to, since she planned a life with Rebel since she was like, 12 years old. But I attribute this, one to her age and obvious immaturity and secondly to how Foxie and Slim raised her and then no one else even being able to get a hold on her & get her in line.
As a teacher, the punctuation or lack thereof almost drove me batty during this book. I was dying to get out a red pen and add commas, semi-colons, periods, question marks and even quotation marks. This most definitely was a 5-star story, but there were just too many punctuation and grammatical errors. I’m not certain of the editing process or the cost to self-published authors, but I believe that it would be a good investment.
I’m very excited for Striker’s upcoming book and to see how he can win back someone that he treated wrong and has paid for it every day since then. Also upcoming is the Diary of Gypsy Red, which I’m excited to delve into her mind, especially since we’ll finally get to see her thoughts and views behind all the betrayal, deception and scheming.

Tags : Baby (Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 3) - Kindle edition by Glenna Maynard. Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Glenna Maynard,Baby (Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 3),Fiction Romance New Adult,Fiction Romance Suspense
Baby Black Rebel Riders' MC Book 3 edition by Glenna Maynard Romance eBooks Reviews
Glenna, girl you have done it again.. Sista keep doing it!! Loved the direction of the storyline!! Although, Baby made me sick when she was pregnant cause I wanted that HEA for Striker & Baby!! I loved how Baby turned that one line back on Striker!!!!
Trouble was absolutely GOOD for Baby, broke my heart 😞!!
I'm totally hoping for a HEA for them!!!! I'm super excited that Rumor & Rebel (R2) are on the same page!! Ready for discovery, healing and of course some dam good lovin to occur!!!!
I am not sure how I am sitting here even writing this review! I feel like my heart has been ripped from my chest and I am slowly watching it beat. I didn't think I could be anymore shocked and ruined then I was when I first read Grim and started this crazy ride with Glenna Maynard. However in true Glenna form she has proven her skill in throwing me under the bus once again. In Rumor I wasn't really a fan of Baby I must admit but in this book I cheered for her and I felt absolutely horrible as I watched her get annihilated. Once again I urge everyone to read this series. Just don't expect to walk away without needing Kleenex and having a HUGE book hangover!
Baby is a story about Grims daughter. She has a hard time adjusting after Grim brings home her half sister Rumor because of their mothers dying wish. Baby is learning her way through life. Mistakes are made and lives are lost. One night of passion leaves unexpected consequences. Being that Baby is a resilient fiery red head, she rolls with the punches and starts a new future with Trouble. Trouble has always loved Baby, as has Striker. Take my word for it, get a copy and see what Baby's journey has to bring!
Baby, Baby.....Glenna Maynard is the queen of angst and heart breaking stories. Baby is a dark, gritty story that will bring you tears or have you screaming at your kindle. I cant even tell you what happens because Maynard packs in a juicy storyline that you have to turn the page to see what happens next. All I can say is this is a must read but you have to read this series in order m?nen*(my opinion) or you will miss vital information. I also really want Gypsy Red's diary. Happy Reading!!!
Baby baby baby...the kids are definitely not alright in this third book of the series...but oh boy was it ever a fun, wild ride.
I didn't like this teenaged brat very much at first (princess was used to getting her way) and especially how she treated her sister Rumor over Rebel, the man who comes between them.
There was plenty of intrigue and some very surprising and ugly twists in this one and at times I almost needed a score card to keep up with Baby's flavor of the moment (she has her pick and fill of various men in the club) but in the end things worked out how they were supposed to (although she would not yet agree with that outcome) and darn it all, we have to wait until the next book to find out if Baby will have her HEA with the "right one".
I liked this one a lot because I loved the "kids growing up and love triangle" situations and the secrets and lies kept things interesting.
**** 4 **** "put on your brain bucket and go for a fast ride" stars
Well what can I say ... Wow again!?.. Not gonna lie Baby annoyed the snot out of me for the first half of the book.... All the $h!t & drama she caused ... (Light bulb moment ) a young girl in a big boy world , as in immature , she needed to grow up!! Rumor the hell she been through & it's Hell I tell you, at least she gets her head around it & for her it's a HEA so far cross fingers it stays that way... Please Glenna.. -) Now lots of revelations & moments of truths unveiled & a few WT# moments always Hot!! In a great way... -) but the ending it's left with a ... To Be Continued... Dam $h!t & F#€k... Well I guess I have to wait for the next Book !.... Striker Book 4 , late 2014 early 15... & then there's the Novella ... The Diary of Gypsy Red.... Both are going to be very interesting Reads...... So Get Clicking People It's an Awesome Read....-)
Baby (Black Rebel Riders’ MC #3)
By Glenna Maynard
4/5 stars
Baby is the daughter of Grim, the new president of the Black Rebel Riders and Gypsy Red, who was murdered the night that she was born. Baby was raised by Slim & Foxie and doesn’t really like her own dad very much, more so after he rescued and took custody of her older sister, Rumor. She continually acts out and makes Rumor miserable on purpose. A lot of this is due to the fact that she has been abandoned by her dad for most of her life and when she did get him, she only had him for a month or so before he married Sunshine, and brought her sister home to live with them. And to top that off, she had grown up believing that she would be with Rebel as his top bitch and he would be president of the club, mainly because that is the way that Foxie (Rebel’s mom) raised her to be; but Rebel finds that he has much deeper feelings for Rumor and that he never loved Baby, the way that she thought she loved him.
Baby and Rebel still have interactions and they both play each other, neither one is innocent. Rumor still has feelings for Rebel, but tries to ignore them and move forward, even though her past nightmares still haunt her, and Rebel is the only person she felt comfortable and safe with. But at the same time, Rumor is bound and determined to leave the club life behind her and cut all ties, but Rebel doesn’t know if he can do that since he was born into the life, it’s in his blood and it has always been the only future that he has ever seen.
Baby does some deplorable things and even though I can see where her hurt came from, she had no business doing what she did. You’ll know it when you read it, but it isn’t until later that she can finally see the light, after she previously excused her actions. Baby also seemingly falls in and out of love easily, believing that she has never felt this certain spark before and stating that she noticed how a friend always looked at her as more, but she didn’t see it or didn’t want to, since she planned a life with Rebel since she was like, 12 years old. But I attribute this, one to her age and obvious immaturity and secondly to how Foxie and Slim raised her and then no one else even being able to get a hold on her & get her in line.
As a teacher, the punctuation or lack thereof almost drove me batty during this book. I was dying to get out a red pen and add commas, semi-colons, periods, question marks and even quotation marks. This most definitely was a 5-star story, but there were just too many punctuation and grammatical errors. I’m not certain of the editing process or the cost to self-published authors, but I believe that it would be a good investment.
I’m very excited for Striker’s upcoming book and to see how he can win back someone that he treated wrong and has paid for it every day since then. Also upcoming is the Diary of Gypsy Red, which I’m excited to delve into her mind, especially since we’ll finally get to see her thoughts and views behind all the betrayal, deception and scheming.

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