Heart on a Chain eBook Cindy C Bennett

Heart on a Chain eBook Cindy C Bennett
Heart on a chain? More like heart in my throat! This was my very favorite genre of book... the abused, broken heroine and the guy who loves her enough to rescue her. <Dreamy sigh> Kate has fond memories of her childhood friend, Henry, and their shared kiss in the coat closet. But soon after, he moves away and life as she knows it is over. Her mother becomes HORRENDOUSLY abusive and her father an alcoholic. If that wasn't bad enough, she's the target of terrible bullying at school that reduces her to a shadow of herself. It's now the beginning of her senior year, so although she looks forward to finally escaping the chains of her hurtful classmates, there's never a silver lining for her. My heart literally ACHED for everything Kate has been through and still managing to survive. She never dreams of seeing Henry again, but he's moved back. She's so jaded and distrusting of everyone, even her once-loved friend. Henry is so patient, almost to the point I was frustrated he wasn't trying harder! And then... THEN.... Thanksgiving. Oh my lord, I could not flip the pages fast enough. Just when I thought this poor girl couldn't go through any more, WHAM! The return from Florida. I loved every single awful thing and Henry's unwavering love for her.
Tags : Amazon.com: Heart on a Chain eBook: Cindy C. Bennett: Kindle Store,ebook,Cindy C. Bennett,Heart on a Chain,JUVENILE FICTION Girls & Women,JUVENILE FICTION Love & Romance
Heart on a Chain eBook Cindy C Bennett Reviews
HEART ON A CHAIN has a great concept, and fairly good execution, but I did have some issues with the balance in the plot. I know Young Adult reads are often melodramatic, and that this appeals to younger readers, but this one went crazy with the doom and gloom. This is what made it stick out as a self-published book a good editor would have helped the author find some balance in the pacing.
Kate lives with her severely abusive, drug-addicted mother, and her alcoholic father who beats on her mother. She has no food, no friends, and spends her days being bashed up by other students. There's not a single good thing in her life until Henry returns to the area and the school and takes her under his wing. The two form a relationship against the odds.
This story is definitely engaging, and Henry a dream come true. I couldn't put it down once I started. However, with things so bad, with the students abusing Kate constantly in front of the teachers, and with her walking around sporting huge bruises on a daily basis, I do not believe that there wasn't a single person in the world who didn't see anything or do anything about it until perfect Henry arrived on the scene.
I definitely didn't buy main bully Jessica's miraculous turnaround at the end - nobody's personality changes like that, and the girl should have been in prison at the end of the book, not friends with Kate again. Same goes for Kate's father - that man was a criminal, and should have been arrested and prosecuted.
Additionally, the handling of the manslaughter charges was inaccurate.
I did like the author's writing style, and suspect the success of this book will do wonders for her career. I hope she only gets better from here, as she has heaps of potential and definitely gets the teen mindset - half child and half adult.
There were some typos and wrong words throughout the text, but it wasn't bad compared to most self-published books.
One thing this book desperately needs is repackaging. The cover is cheap and trashy, and I would not have bought it unless it came highly recommended.
Many of the issues I have with HEART ON A CHAIN will probably go overlooked by younger readers, who will find the idealistic romance more than makes up for it. It was almost good enough for me to agree with that sentiment. I would have liked to see this book after it passed through the hands of professional editors, as there's so much potential here, but as it is there is far too much melodrama for it to be a five star read.
17-year-old Kate has lived her whole life in abject poverty, with an alcoholic father and drug-addicted mother, who severely abuses Kate. At school, her second-hand clothing marks her as a target. Her refusal to stand up for herself makes her the recipient of her classmates taunts and bullying. That is, until Henry returns.
Henry Jamison moved away six years earlier, just as he and Kate had begun to develop feelings for one another. He returns to find the bright, funny, outgoing girl he had known now timidly hiding in corners, barely speaking to anyone around her, suspicious of even him. Kate can't figure out what game Henry is playing with her - for surely it is a game. What else would the gorgeous, popular boy from her past want with her?
Kate finally decides to trust Henry's intentions, opening her heart to him. Just when it seems he might be genuine in his friendship, tragedy strikes, threatening everything Kate has worked so hard to gain. Can Henry help her to overcome this new devastation, or will it tear them apart forever?
This was the first YA Indie Fiction I had read. Let me point out that I first read this book when it first came out, which was a while ago. This book was a little out of my usual type of reading but I thought I would give it ago because it had great reviews on .
I wish I could say this novel was over the top but unfortunately, these situations are not few and far between. Told in first person, Kate grew up in an abusive home. Kate is scared at home and at school, having no safe haven to go to. She doesn't trust anyone-with good reason. She has the thoughts and feelings that anybody who has gone through any form of abuse has.
I can't tell you how many times I had teared up, yelled at my poor and the characters but I also laughed, smiled and fell in love. I hadn't expected to stay up half the night reading this story, but I COULDN'T put it down. Yeah, one of those stories...
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Heart on a chain? More like heart in my throat! This was my very favorite genre of book... the abused, broken heroine and the guy who loves her enough to rescue her. <Dreamy sigh> Kate has fond memories of her childhood friend, Henry, and their shared kiss in the coat closet. But soon after, he moves away and life as she knows it is over. Her mother becomes HORRENDOUSLY abusive and her father an alcoholic. If that wasn't bad enough, she's the target of terrible bullying at school that reduces her to a shadow of herself. It's now the beginning of her senior year, so although she looks forward to finally escaping the chains of her hurtful classmates, there's never a silver lining for her. My heart literally ACHED for everything Kate has been through and still managing to survive. She never dreams of seeing Henry again, but he's moved back. She's so jaded and distrusting of everyone, even her once-loved friend. Henry is so patient, almost to the point I was frustrated he wasn't trying harder! And then... THEN.... Thanksgiving. Oh my lord, I could not flip the pages fast enough. Just when I thought this poor girl couldn't go through any more, WHAM! The return from Florida. I loved every single awful thing and Henry's unwavering love for her.

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