Lex Talionis R S A Garcia 9781940076126 Books

Lex Talionis R S A Garcia 9781940076126 Books
*Disclaimer* - though I didn't get this book for free, I have been in periodic contact with the author. I went into the read really wanting to like it. That said, if I didn't enjoy the book I would have just politely not posted anything at all.As an avid reader of in the SciFi genre, I am always looking for potentially great new writers. Often I've found authors with promise, even if it is clear to me that what I was reading was indeed a "first effort". With R.S.A. Garcia, I would have had no clue that this was her first novel. She writes with great confidence and with an ability to bring character and scene to life in ways that would indicate years of past experience. In recent years there has, happily, been an influx of needed female perspective in this genre. You can count on Garcia as being one of those we will be talking about in the future. For those males with a chauvinistic position regarding SciFi I would simply encourage you to set aside preconception, read the book and ask yourself - would I even know this book was written by a woman? I believe no one would, and realize that it is irrelevant. Lex Talionis is fast paced, gripping, startling, brutal and, at certain points, painfully raw. It will not be for some with delicate sensibilities.
It took me a while to get around to reading it after my purchase as I tend to have a number of books at the ready in my personal library at any given point in time. When I did start, I read much more quickly than I normally do (I don't think of myself as a slow reader as much as leisurely) as it constantly left me intrigued at which direction it was going and what was behind the mysterious and dreadful calamity inflicted on the protagonist at the books' horrifying beginning. This continued throughout my reading. At no point did I feel the book was dragging or going off on an unnecessary tangent.
The resolution was strong and certainly left this reader with a desire to read more, which fortunately the author is already focused on. We are lucky to have R.S.A. Garcia to look forward to in the SciFi community for many years to come. Much like the main character Lex/Shalon, the author resonates one thing above all else - strength.

Tags : Lex Talionis [R. S. A. Garcia] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. THE LAW OF REVENGE A battered young woman wakes from a coma in a space port hospital with no memories of her past. The only thing she remembers are two words: Lex Talionis—the Law of Revenge. To discover her identity,R. S. A. Garcia,Lex Talionis,Dragonwell Publishing,1940076129,FICTION Science Fiction Space Opera
Lex Talionis R S A Garcia 9781940076126 Books Reviews
I stumbled across RSA Garcia through an online SFF writing forum maybe about a year ago. She seemed like a spunky chick who wrote really well, so I checked out her website, where she has a free short story up that absolutely rocks ([...]), so I wrote her a few emails to which she responded with content which confirmed all these first impressions. I was therefore totally hanging out to read this novel.
I couldn't put it down. It rocks. Really strong characters, a character-driven plot, and a believable collection of intergalactic societies, where the tech serves the story, not the other way round. There's some serious arse-kicking, and Garcia does a great job of weaving in the political intrigue without the story becoming bogged down, although you do have to be paying fairly close attention, cause there are quite a lot of characters.
The highlight of the book, however, is the style. Some passages are just beautiful. Garcia finds original, evocative ways to paint visual pictures without slipping into purple prose.
However, one big gripe the way this novel ends is like a neon sign flashing 'sequel coming soon!' It's not a cliffhanger, but it does very much suggest that better stuff is yet to come. There should be warnings for this kind of thing in books so you can prepare yourself. Particularly when the sequel is not yet written.
But I guess this wouldn't be a problem if I hadn't enjoyed the book so much.
In Lex Talionis, a woman who’s been nearly beaten to death wakes up in a clinic, with no memory of what happened, or who she is. What she does know is that she wants to find those responsible for her pain—not only physical damage, but psychological tragedies that span the stars. As memories trickle into her mind, she focuses on a rule taught in her youth that of Lex Talionis, the law of retaliation. Armed with an unbreakable will, she takes the name Lex, just as galactic forces act to prevent her recovery. A doctor develops feelings for Lex, an alien bonds with her mind and heals her battered body, an empath is stunned by her telepathic abilities--and that’s just the beginning of Rhonda Garcia’s unflinching, wonderful novel.
Set in a far future where corporations and independent enclaves rule the galaxy, Lex Talionis keeps the science fiction in the background and its compelling, life-like characters in the foreground. I immediately liked Lex, with her no-nonsense curtness, coupled with a touching vulnerability. Rhonda writes her characters with such reality that I easily envisioned them as real people. I wanted them to succeed, to win, or to receive justice, based on their deeds in the plot. Dialogue is top notch, given in outbursts, spurts, and intelligent musings comparable to Frank Herbert’s Dune. Physical sensations and emotions are handled with expert delivery. But best of all, these are complex personalities. Even the villains have feelings, and Lex, the heroine, possesses a cold morality, born of her hardships, desires, and angst. Like some of the characters in the story, I fell in love with Lex myself. Others I found compelling are the empath/psychoanalyst Anton, his mutant underworld contact, Troi, and a small green alien called Oux. But there isn’t a weak link in this cast.
The novel is divided into three parts, and once Lex regains her memories, there is a sizable section detailing who she was, what happened—but the why doesn’t come until the third act. These aren’t annoying flashback sequences, at least for me, because at that point, I was so invested in Lex’s plight that I would have read through pages of infodumps just to discover what happens. The story is gritty, even brutal at times, but this is strong material, not fluff. There is a heavy level of suspense throughout. The action scenes are well done, and the sensual, erotic ones left me wanting more. The ending demands a sequel, which I will certainly read when it comes out.
I know I’m gushing over this novel, but I really enjoyed it. Rhonda Garcia is definitely on my literary radar. Read Lex Talionis, and she’ll be on yours, too.
*Disclaimer* - though I didn't get this book for free, I have been in periodic contact with the author. I went into the read really wanting to like it. That said, if I didn't enjoy the book I would have just politely not posted anything at all.
As an avid reader of in the SciFi genre, I am always looking for potentially great new writers. Often I've found authors with promise, even if it is clear to me that what I was reading was indeed a "first effort". With R.S.A. Garcia, I would have had no clue that this was her first novel. She writes with great confidence and with an ability to bring character and scene to life in ways that would indicate years of past experience. In recent years there has, happily, been an influx of needed female perspective in this genre. You can count on Garcia as being one of those we will be talking about in the future. For those males with a chauvinistic position regarding SciFi I would simply encourage you to set aside preconception, read the book and ask yourself - would I even know this book was written by a woman? I believe no one would, and realize that it is irrelevant. Lex Talionis is fast paced, gripping, startling, brutal and, at certain points, painfully raw. It will not be for some with delicate sensibilities.
It took me a while to get around to reading it after my purchase as I tend to have a number of books at the ready in my personal library at any given point in time. When I did start, I read much more quickly than I normally do (I don't think of myself as a slow reader as much as leisurely) as it constantly left me intrigued at which direction it was going and what was behind the mysterious and dreadful calamity inflicted on the protagonist at the books' horrifying beginning. This continued throughout my reading. At no point did I feel the book was dragging or going off on an unnecessary tangent.
The resolution was strong and certainly left this reader with a desire to read more, which fortunately the author is already focused on. We are lucky to have R.S.A. Garcia to look forward to in the SciFi community for many years to come. Much like the main character Lex/Shalon, the author resonates one thing above all else - strength.

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